Saturday 18 January 2014

Kuota belum habis


Anda tau tak, anda tau tak? Secara purata, kita menuturkan 30 000 perkataan dalam sehari! That sounds lots of numbers right? Kira punya kira, aku perasan yang aku belum habiskan lagi kuota aku hari untuk hari ini. Rasanya masih bersisa dalam 20 000 secara purata. Konpius sejenak memikirkan terms yang aku guna. 'secara purata' tu jarang-jarang sekali aku guna pakai. Tu biasanya cikgu matematik yang pakai dalam pertuturan seharian. Mungkinkah sebab.. aku.. 

Hahaha saja bagi unsur suspend di sana. Tiada sebab lain, sebabnya aku baru google tentang fakta tu beberapa minit sebelum tulis benda-benda ni semua hehehe. Jam sekarang menunjukkan pukul 12.27 malam. Or should i say, pagi? Well ayam pun tidak lama lagi akan berkokok, tapi paling tak boleh blah bila anjing start menyalak. Pantang ni dengar anjing menyalak tengah-tengah malam, apatah lagi bila mengenangkan aku seorang belum tidur. sabar sabar jangan panik. Normal kan tu kalau anjing menyalak, kalau kucing menyalak tu yang seram. 

Okay where were we just now? Oh right, pasal kuota perkataan kan. Too much nonsense, ketara sangat saja-saja habiskan kuota perkataan. Yalah, kalau kuota masih bersisa sampai aku tertidur takut-takut mengigau nanti. 

I was just thinking how could the people around me bear listening to all craps and nonsense I spilled out from my mouth. 30 000 words a day. Tu belum tambah fakta yang mengatakan, manusia hanya menggunakan 10% daripada otak dia untuk berfikir dan selebihnya untuk aktiviti lain atau aktiviti di luar kawalan. Meaning to say, out of 30 000 words only 3 000 of them are make sense and worth listening.

Mengetahui tentang fakta ni, aku mengambil beberapa langkah berhati-hati. Kena belajar bangun pagi without talking and go straight to bathroom. Because morning story with roommate will at least take 2000 of words, and maybe those words are spilled out with my brains working. And if so, I only have 1000 of brilliant words to use in class which is very risky since we have to communicate with the lecturers and so many discussions involve. 

So complicated huh? Organizing things in life. Well thats life dear, its complicated and will always be. Things will always going wrong and messing up with your feeling. (you know what, when I typed "messing up with your feeling" I feel like i'm having a dejavu. Dejavu does happens to everyone right?) Every time I feel like talking to someone, I always have those people who are willing to listen to it. When I say 'someone', I'm just hoping for one person. But then, I have more than one precious friends in my life who are willing to listen to craps I'm saying. Sometimes, I have to repeat it up to 3 times just because they all want to know about it  which I dont mind hehehe. 

Yah how do you know that you have been knowing each other that much? Try playing Truth or Dare, then you will know. There was one night when my friends and I were so bored and I came up with this brilliant idea inviting them to play Truth or Dare. I thought it was going to be fun cos we'll be talking about secrets of secrets. But then it turned out as a boring game ever. We were then realized that we just know each other that much and that deep and there is no more secrets between us all. Obviously we have nothing to ask anymore. Then we decided to go sleep, duhh bored. 

You know what guys, I think I just finished using my quota for today. For what reason on earth you think I wrote this? For sure not because I have something big to tell of course hahaha. Sorry for wasting your time and being confidently silly publishing this post and shared it to my facebook account that makes you open it and gain nothing from this post. 

Lets have a good sleep while recharging quota for tomorrow! Good night and sleep tight. Assalamualaikum. 

Thank you for reading! 

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